Culture change

“Be proactive about your culture. Don’t just let it happen and hope for the best”

Alexander Osterwalder

An organisation’s strategy is only as good as the culture which supports it. How effectively you can create and sustain the right culture will determine how successful you are. Some organisations unfortunately just let culture happen and hope for the best. This is often because culture is intangible and can be difficult to pinpoint and define.

Drawing on our PhD research on high performance environments, we can support you to take a proactive approach to organisational culture. Using our Culture Scan we can evaluate your current culture and support you to make the changes required to achieve your goals.


Our culture change programmes help teams and organisations to:

Define a clear identity

Develop and embed values and behaviours

Create a vision and purpose which generates energy and momentum

Provide people with the right performance enablers

Building a strong sense of belonging and togetherness

Create an inclusive and collaborative environment

Develop the resilience required to perform at the highest level

Outperform all expectations and have fun doing it

Fantastic. We’ve been a client of Mark’s now for several years. Our journey started as a trial and since then Marks work had become an integral/integrated part of our cross firm management training. Extremely effective. Highly recommend.

Mike Irwin, Chief Operating Officer at XTX Markets